Django Unchained: 10 Reasons It's Awesome

7. Production/Costume Design & Make Up

Here is a film that looks absolutely fantastic, shot wonderfully but also superbly constructed from the ground up. Early on, when Django and Schultz enter a small town, the wild-west sets are vibrant and recall some of the more entertaining Western films of decades past, from films as sparse as Unforgiven and Back to the Future Part 3. It is clear that Tarantino's production designers have done their homework, because whether it's these grotty saloons or the opulence of Candie's abode, it all feels absolutely palpable without a shred of doubt. Even more impressive arguably are the array of costumes designed for the various characters; every character gets specific attire that's memorable and totally stands out. Whether it's Django's blue Austin Powers-esque get-up that he wears early on or Calvin Candie's immaculate suit, it all looks fantastic, and helps to immerse us in what is going on. Further, the make-up and hair-styling work is fantastic; Waltz gets a wonderfully-styled moustache to twirl, while DiCaprio's angular beard gives him the necessary menace, and Django's messy facial hair never makes us forget his origins. In short, all three of these categories should be courting Academy Award consideration in the coming weeks, but we'll have to see...

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at]