Django Unchained: 10 Reasons It's Awesome

2. Violence

If Inglourious Basterds felt more restrained and, dare I say, "realistic" with its approach to violence, all bets are off in Django Unchained, which returns to the comic book-style absurdity of Kill Bill. If that film boasted absolute fountains of gore, Django has the most explosive squibs known to man; characters are shot in the head and their brains explode like water balloons filled with red paint, characters get knee-capped and liquid shoots out like a super soaker, and on occasion, there's even a bit of genital mutilation as well. Even if Django relinquishes almost all of the shock factor that Basterds had with its head-carving, it makes for a riotously entertaining time that's totally in step with the genres that Tarantino wants to honour. Like any Tarantino film, the action is sporadic, but when it appears, it is explosive and brilliant. The final showdown, as Django mows down an entire houseful of Candie's men, is ludicrously entertaining, with the walls being quite literally painted with gore during the almost operatic orgy of violence. It may lack consequence, but then that never stopped the House of Blue Leaves fight in Kill Bill being one of the most absurdly enjoyable action scenes in movie history.

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at]