Doctor Strange 2: 5 Ways The Character Can Return For The Sequel

2. The Soul Stone

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Marvel Studios

Doctor Strange 2 may not need to have it's titular hero return if he is not actually dead in the first place. The obvious assumption from watching Infinity War is that the characters affected by the snap died, but there is no reason they are not instead just trapped within one of the stones, much like Red Skull, still conscious inside a different reality.

There are literally dozens of characters Marvel could focus an Earth bound movie around, but with Doctor Strange they have the opportunity to do something completely different. The sequel could see The Sorcerer Supreme travelling throughout this new dimension, and possibly other dimensions, looking for some way to get home.

Not only could this lead to cameos from characters such as Red Skull or Ronan, it could also be an opportunity to confirm the fate of some of the characters whose status is currently unknown. Imagine Doctor Strange travelling throughout the Soul Stone, passing through countless souls lost to the snap, and stumbling upon Christine Palmer, or even Mordo.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.