Doctor Strange: 22 Secrets Revealed By The Director's Commentary

16. How Medicine Impacts Doctor Strange's Fighting

Doctor Strange Surgeon.jpg
Marvel Studios

Both parts of Dr Strange's name are important: the strangeness is obvious, but the doctor element also informs how he acts as a superhero. Derrickson says that his fighting style reflects his Hippocratic oath, which informs an agenda not to do any undue harm. So he's going to be going for the old Batman and Superman "thou shalt not kill" approach then... So expect recurring major villains.

Derrickson reveals that he had a brain surgeon specialist on set consulting on the operating room scenes to make them feel real. He had to - his wife is a nurse, so she'd bust his chops if he messed up any details.

15. There Were Re-Shoots

Doctor Strange Training
Marvel Studios

A gentle reminder here folks, that ALL films have some degree of reshoots, and there's no cause for concern even when it's Star Wars and you're over-excited on sugar.

For Doctor Strange, the reshoots came after test audiences loved the training sequences. Derrickson says they shot some more footage and slotted it in, resulting in a sequence that he admits in the commentary is "longer than I expected it to be.”


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