Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness: 24 WTF Moments
23. Nicodemus West's Tiny Cameo (And TERRIBLE Wig)

After Strange awakens from his "dream" of fighting the demon, he attends the wedding of his former lover Christine Palmer (Rachel McAdams), where he takes a seat and reconnects with his former colleague Nicodemus West (Michael Stuhlbarg).
West is clearly put out that Strange hasn't contacted him in years, and when Strange explains that he was among the dusted, West retorts that he too was annihilated by Thanos.
Furthermore, West forlornly tells Strange both of his cats died during the five-year blip along with his brother, before asking whether Strange had any other options while fighting the Mad Titan, and then cruelly reminding him that he didn't get Christine in the end.
It's a fun little scene which snappily contextualises Strange's post-blip life, but considering how fantastic an actor Michael Stuhlbarg is - even when you put him in a truly terrible wig - it's a shame he's only in the movie for a basically throwaway minute-long scene.