Don Cheadle: 5 Awesome Performances & 5 That Sucked

3. Henri Moore - After The Sunset (2004)

Don Cheadle After The Sunset
New Line Cinema

If you ever wondered whether Don Cheadle would be a good fit for a Bahamas gangster tied up in a zany plan by a "retired" thief and his long-term FBI adversary to steal a giant diamond, the answer is no.

Lost in a movie that feels more like an extended advertisement for the tropical paradise it was filmed in, Cheadle is as wasted as Pierce Brosnan and Woody Harrelson as the grifter and his boy in blue. It really doesn't help that the script is diabolical, or that the story is flat out lunatic, but Cheadle sticks out like a sore thumb - a case of a talented square peg being shoe-horned into a round hole.

It's not funny, nor thrilling, nor particularly clever, and it seems to position itself as an Oceans Eleven-like slick caper without delivering on anything but the surface gloss. The best thing that can be said about it is that the only people who will love it will probably discover it entirely accidentally.

But at least Cheadle and the rest of the cast got a lovely looking holiday out of it.


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