Doomsday's in Batman V Superman, right? It's been rumoured (and jokily confirmed then seriously denied by the potential actor playing him) for months now, with everyone now expecting Michael Shannon's Zod to be transformed into the famed Superman-killer. The latest stage in the will-he-won't-he saga of Doomsday comes from Sean Ray, who works for Moving Picture Company, a VFX company who've provided effects for Dawn Of Justice. While posting about the end of the process on Instagram (reported by DC Comics News), Ray said, in response to a question about the monster, "Hahaha lol unfortunately hes not in the film, maybe in the Man of Steel sequel or Justice League film who knows." His Instagram account has recently been deactivated, which really could say something either way about the validity of these statements, but I'm inclined to say he's wrong - not necessarily lying, but somewhat ill-informed. Shannon is in the film for definite and has had to retract some of his off-the-cuff grand statements about flippers and mutations, which means there's something he's revealed he shouldn't. I'm not too amped to have Zod return for more in the already stuffed Bats versus Supes film, but if Doomsday does wind up appearing and Zack Snyder tries to play it like a shocking twist then it could be particularly underwhelming (think Khan in Star Trek Into Darkness). Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice will be in cinemas from 26th March 2016.