Drag the banks to hell!

Sam Raimi's first real return to horror (we don't count THE GIFT now-a-days do we?) tackles the financial economic crisis, surprisingly. I never thought Raimi or the genre would ever touch such relevant matters. Ah, nostalgia for the happier days when it was just about teenagers wanting to get laid. Where people weren't worried about keeping a roof over their heads. drag-me-to-hell_l Sadly, the hook isn't really enough. There's almost a Saturday Night Live sketch vibe about it, the absurdness of being cursed for turning down someone's mortgage extension. All it would take is a joke and a laughter track and it would be a timely and quite funny parody. BRAVO! But as a movie, I can't take this movie at all seriously... why would a demon need to go through the applications process for a mortgage extension? DUMB!


But it's not aimed at me is it? The PG-13 slapped rating, the watered down post-SPIDER-MAN Sam Raimi is reaching out to a different generation to me. Has he forgotten his roots? Where's Bruce Campbell and a chainsaw when you need him? A Raimi flick titled DRAG ME TO HELL, deserves better.

Matt Holmes is the co-founder of What Culture, formerly known as Obsessed With Film. He has been blogging about pop culture and entertainment since 2006 and has written over 10,000 articles.