Dumb And Dumber To: 10 Characters We'd Love To Return Alongside Blind Kid Billy

8. Joe€Mental€

http://youtu.be/ylRqJapI0wQ I know you€™re all reading this and saying to yourselves €œbut Lloyd and Harry accidentally killed him from giving him rat poison after spicing up his meal as a seemingly harmless prank€, and you€™d be right. Let€™s face it though, this isn€™t Shakespeare or a realistic drama, it€™s a slapstick comedy and Joe made for a hilarious villain with his constant and perfectly emoted agitation for how dimwitted Lloyd and Harry were. He melded perfectly with the duo and I see no harm in bringing him back in some fashion for revenge.

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.