Dumb And Dumber To: 10 Characters We'd Love To Return Alongside Blind Kid Billy

3. Bobby Swanson

http://youtu.be/mDLoT5sWOmE Of course the reasoning for the infamous €œ1 in a million€ line is the fact that Mary is already married to this fellow. He€™s not necessarily a crucial character to the movie but if the Farrelly brothers did choose to go down a route where Lloyd is still swooning over Mary, some scenes feuding with Bobby (who wasn€™t really a character at all in the original) over her love could make for some uproarious times. It€™s still probably best to just keep both Bobby and Mary in quick cameos if they do return though. Nevertheless, seeing either character again is sure to spark some hilarity, more-so Bobby as he can receive a little character development.

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.