Whilst mourning the end of his marriage, the only way Vince knows how on a yacht... with scantily clad women - the movie star gets a phone call from Ari, who has accepted the offer to run the studio. Ari offers Vince the leading role in his first production, but much to the surprise of his boys (E, Turtle and Drama) the actor insists on also directing the film. Things get out of hand when the $100 million flick goes over budget, leaving Ari, Vince and the boys at the mercy of the cutthroat world of Hollywood as well as the unstable financial backer, Travis McCredle. Travis becomes jealous of Vinces luck with the ladies and does everything in his power to thwart the project and eradicate Vince as director and lead, meaning Ari has to juggle between the wants of the talent (Vince) and the money (McCredle). Meanwhile for Vinces boys, E, Turtle and Drama, theres a pregnancy, a wrestling match and an academy nomination respectively. Want to find out how it all turns out? Well youll just have to watch the movie...! Entourage The Movie is available on digital download from 12th October and Blu-ray TM and DVD from 26th October.