Every Batman Movie Villain Ever Ranked From Worst To Best

7. The Penguin (Batman Returns)

Mr Freeze Penguin Riddler Joker
Warner Bros.

Danny DeVito's iteration of the Penguin may be wildly over the top, but it's also perfectly matched to the tonal and stylistic tendencies of director Tim Burton.

DeVito gives a masterful performance as the tragically doomed villain, who despite chowing down on fish, riding around Gotham in a giant rubber ducky, and having literal penguin minions, is still intensely intimidating and sympathetic all at once.

The design of the character - both in terms of costume and makeup - is magnificently disgusting, but it's truly DeVito's fearless turn that brings Oswald Cobblepot roaring to life.

Tap-dancing on a tonal razor's edge as it does, this version of the character wouldn't have worked in any other Batman era, but today remains one of the boldest and most unforgettable of the Caped Crusader's screen adversaries.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.