Every Bond Movie Pre-Title Scene Ranked - Worst To Best

14. Quantum Of Solace (2008)

The much-maligned Quantum of Solace has a poor reputation due to its frenetic editing, but the opening sequence is where the lightning fast cutting actually suits it well.

The car chase, set against beautiful Italian mountain scenery, is unique in Bond films for its ultra-frantic pace. While the general style apes Jason Bourne a little closely for comfort, it’s a welcome homage considering that the James Bond franchise has always adapted to cultural and cinematic trends of the era.

Here, Bond in his luxury car sustains rapid gunfire and the battering blows of chasing vehicles at blistering speeds. Every crash of shattered glass and colliding cars feels all too real as enemies get swept off the road like in a game of Burnout.

It’s breathless and chaotic, emphasising the adrenaline-rushing madness of a pulse-pounding car chase above all else. By the end, 007’s battered ride looks like it would be just a few bumps away from exploding in Grand Theft Auto. But of course, thanks to his unparalleled deft driving skills, 007’s is the last car standing.

Best moment: Daniel Craig’s Bond is icy cool throughout, where most of us would be reeling from whiplash. “It’s time to get out”, he says with a wry smile to his captive, Mr. White.

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Chest thumping James Bond and Haruki Murakami fanatic living in China. Once had a fever dream about riding a rowboat with Davos Seaworth. He hasn't updated this section since Game of Thrones was cool, and boy does it show.