Every Bond Movie Pre-Title Scene Ranked - Worst To Best

18. The Man With The Golden Gun (1974)

Top marks for zaniness.

A mob goon straight from 1920s Chicago explores a carnival-themed funhouse in search of Francisco Scaramanga. The longer the hunt goes on, however, the more the hunter comes to feel like the hunted.

The Man With the Golden Gun wastes no time in establishing the art of death as a challenge, even a game, with Scaramanga’s diminutive henchman Nick Nack orchestrating the proceedings. With the help of literal smoke and mirror effects, Nick Nack’s aim is to craft an obstacle course that only the strongest can survive. Only the best has a chance against the titular assassin, of course.

After the golden gunner has his way with the latest challenger, Scaramanga amicably tells Nick Nack to step up his efforts. “Not bad… but you’ll have to do better than that if you want to come into my money.” Implementing John Barry’s latest theme into the sounds of the funhouse, this segment instantly injects unique personality into Roger Moore’s second Bond film.

Despite its initial similarity to the PTS of From Russia With Love, this entry just edges it due to its visual appeal and the twisted motivations behind the scheme. Only Scaramanga would employ a servant that’s actively trying to kill him!

Best moment: With his deadly accuracy established, Scaramanga sets his sights on his next target… a life-size figure of 007, shooting off its fingers for good measure. Game on.

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Chest thumping James Bond and Haruki Murakami fanatic living in China. Once had a fever dream about riding a rowboat with Davos Seaworth. He hasn't updated this section since Game of Thrones was cool, and boy does it show.