Every Christopher Nolan Movie Ranked Worst To Best

9. Batman Begins (2005)

Oppenheimer Bomb
Warner Bros.

The film that changed everything, Batman Begins saw Christopher Nolan turn the superhero movie on its head, balancing an angsty origin story with a level of grit and realism never seen before or since in the genre.

Aided by a remarkably packed cast - including Christian Bale as the Caped Crusader, and Gary Oldman, Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman and Liam Neeson as his various allies and foes - Nolan and David S. Goyer's script digs deep into Bruce Wayne's quest for justice, capitalising on his fear with heaps of horror-tinged set pieces.

There are brief moments when Batman Begins stumbles under the weight of its shifting tone, particularly during its relatively underwhelming battle for Gotham, but Nolan's ability to bring Wayne and his city to life with such vivid clarity and empathy ensures he was the perfect director for such a risky reboot.

It may be the weakest of his Dark Knight trilogy, but Batman Begins is still a hit with minimal faults. Rarely has The Caped Crusader's story been told with such palpable dread, effective plausibility or so many brilliant performances.


I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool.