Every DC Comic Book Movie In Development (& Rumoured) Ranked

7. Man Of Steel 2

Man Of Steel 2
Warner Bros.

Status: In discussion

Release: TBC

Recent Updates?

Henry Cavill has been talking up the possibility of the project - and his hopes for it - as recently as CinemaCon this year, where he alluded to ongoing discussions about the sequel, even as Warner Bros shake things up post-Justice League:

“I’m having a lot of conversations, behind-the-scenes, with certain people and we will hopefully be having conversations with other people who are also behind-the-scenes to make things start happening. It is very much in my desire to do a Man of Steel 2, a direct sequel to Man of Steel, and there is a whole bunch of Superman story that I want to tell. There is a whole style of Superman’s character that I’m very keen to tell and I’m looking forward to the opportunity.”

He's also started working out - with a cheeky reference to it possibly being for Superman...

Will It Happen?

We can but hope. Somebody needs to make a good Superman movie that actualyl gets the character right and he has more than enough fans to justify the studio giving it a good go.

If it's in discussions, there's a good chance, even if it takes years.

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