Every Fight In The Rocky Series Ranked From Worst To Best

1. Rocky Vs. Apollo Creed (Rocky II)

Rocky vs Drago
Paramount Pictures

Goaded into a rematch by Apollo, Rocky gets another shot at the title in the first of many sequels, and the resulting fight shook the pillars of heaven.

Let's get one thing straight, Rocky II isn't fit to hold its predecessor's gumshield or carry its spit bucket. It's an inferior movie in virtually every respect, but its final showdown is one of the greatest ever committed to celluloid.

Two warriors pound the bejesus out of each other, well aware that they're equally matched from the moment those first jackhammer blows are exchanged.

What this setpiece lacks in realism, it more than makes up for in suspense, conveying a sense of 'this could go either way' right up until the nail-biting moment when Balboa beats the referee's count by a mere second.

Yo, Adrian. We did it!

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