Every Fight In The Rocky Series Ranked From Worst To Best

9. Rocky Vs. Clubber Lang #1 (Rocky III)

Rocky vs Drago

This was a fight in which Rocky lost much more than just the world heavyweight title - there wasn't a dry eye in the house when his trainer Mickey died in a more literal sense than Balboa's unbeaten streak.

The Italian's first showdown with Clubber Lang is as brash and energetic as they come, but it's also one of the most difficult in the series to sit through.

Not because a franchise favourite perishes in the wake of the rout, purely because Clubber is the spawn of Satan. It's hard seeing such an unlikable character get one over on our hero, and the fact we lost Mickey too was another knockout blow.

We pity the fool who didn't shed a tear when Rocky's lion-hearted trainer slipped off this mortal coil.

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