Every Fight In The Rocky Series Ranked From Worst To Best

6. Adonis Creed Vs. Ricky Conlan (Creed)

Rocky vs Drago

We'll overlook the fact that Tony Bellew blatantly cannot act because that didn't matter when his character Ricky Conlan squared off against Adonis in Creed's final act.

This is beautifully-paced setpiece filmed at Everton FC's Goodison Park. Creed raises the stakes by flooring the champ at exactly the right moment, and a cameo appearance by the iconic Rocky theme tune does is bit to fire up the audience.

Seizing the authenticity torch from Rocky Balboa, the slick choreography on display in this title fight left us hungry for a Creed sequel - surely that has to happen so Adonis can have a second crack at the coveted belt?

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