Every Halloween Movie (They Never Actually Made)
15. Halloween VII: Two Faces Of Evil

Alongside one mysterious script treatment by Daniel Farrands titled Michael Myers: Lord of the Dead, a version of Halloween 7 that never saw the cold hard daylight, there was a Robert Zappia pitch by the name of Two Faces of Evil.
Working as a sequel to Halloween 6, this movie would see Michael dead in prison, then taken to the morgue. It's there that he miraculously comes back to life somehow, escapes, and starts working through the local boarding school to teach the students a lesson or two about his big horrible knife.
Another relative would've been introduced, as well as a copycat killer that turned the script into a Silence of the Lambs rip off. Unfortunately the whole thing was canned with rewrites, changing first to the title of 'Blood Ties' with Laurie Strode added in - and then dropped altogether. The opening scene was the only part that remained from Zappia's original ideas.