Every James Bond Henchmen Ranked

23. Mischka And Grischka - Octopussy

Adolph Gettler James Bond

These two are a pair of professional knife throwers who also moonlight as assassins. They're responsible for the murder of 009 early on in Octopussy and later come up against Bond himself.

As silent, uncharacterized henchmen go, Mischka and Grischka (David and Anthony Meyer) are OK. There's two of them, they've got the undeniable skill and they feel like a threat, so it's a shame they're barely seen through much of the film. They could've been a lot more.

Still, Grischka's death is pretty good. His brother dies a considerably weaker death - he's hit on the head by a cannon on the circus train - but just as Grischka is about to avenge him, Bond turns the tables on him and throws a knife into him. Grischka had said "This is for my brother!" and Bond then says "And that's for 009!", providing a pleasingly serious moment in this overly silly Bond film.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.