Every James Bond Movie Pre-Credits Scene Ranked Worst To Best

1. The Spy Who Loved Me - Bond Escapes From Some Russians And Does THAT Stunt

James Bond Goldeneye Opening
Eon Productions

After The Man with the Golden Gun was a disappointment critically and financially, it was felt that perhaps James Bond had run its course, so the producers threw everything into making The Spy Who Loved Me the most epic and thrilling spectacle possible. This outstanding opening action sequence spelled that intention out in flashing lights.

After two short scenes showing a submarine being attacked and introducing main Bond Girl Anya Amasova - both very good scenes too - the rest of the pre-credits focuses on a snow chase between Bond and some attacking Soviets.

Not only is the ski chase a terrific, visually stunning and utterly delightful slice of action that crams a stunning amount of excitement into just a few minutes, but it concludes with one of the best film stunts of all time: the legendary base jump off the mountain... which was performed entirely for real.

At the premiere of this film, the entire audience (including Prince Charles) gave this scene a standing ovation and it's not hard to see why. With this opening alone, Eon proved that James Bond's glorious, escapist thrills will pretty much unmatched by anything else at the time and this scene alone will have silenced anyone who felt the franchise needed to end.

This is simply the best Bond pre-credits scene ever - how apt that 'Nobody Does It Better' plays in the subsequent opening titles.

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.