Every Main James Bond Villain Ranked Worst To Best

12. Elliot Carver (Tomorrow Never Dies, 1997)

Elliot Carver, Tomorrow Never Dies

Perhaps placed higher than some fans might expect, Carver is an under-appreciated slice of pantomime villainy, taking palpable delight in his sheer evil. Carver is introduced cackling with glee as his minions rattle off the latest catastrophes around the world for the Carver Media Group to exploit. “There’s no news… like bad news!” Carver poses no physical threat to Bond but makes up for it with his employ of Mr. Stamper, aka Big Blonde Thug Character Model #264.

The film itself is an action-packed romp of entertaining popcorn fun, and Carver makes the most of his role with relish, cracking plenty of media themed villain lines. His stealth boat lair is a terrific one that allows for a thunderous assault by Bond at the film’s climax. His scheme to set two world powers against each other is unfortunately yet another rehash of You Only Live Twice, with lack of originality holding him back in the rankings.

Best Moment: His weary realisation that Bond has survived yet again despite his henchman Stamper’s best efforts. “So much for German efficiency!” Like so many villains before him, Carver learns that James Bond WILL return.

Worst Moment: His attempt to mock Bond girl Wai Lin by cartoonishly imitating her martial arts moves and shouting “hyuuhhh, hiiyaaahh!!!” only serves to undermine him.

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Chest thumping James Bond and Haruki Murakami fanatic living in China. Once had a fever dream about riding a rowboat with Davos Seaworth. He hasn't updated this section since Game of Thrones was cool, and boy does it show.