Every Main James Bond Villain Ranked Worst To Best

8. Le Chiffre (Casino Royale, 2006)

Casino Royale Le Chiffre
Eon Productions

The Craig era begins with one of the greats. Casino Royale is a behemoth that returns James Bond to its gritty, espionage-based roots. Le Chiffre won’t be found planning world domination or mass destruction, but is a cunning, mathematical genius with his back against the wall. It’s up to Bond to best him in a battle of wits, strategy and skill. Le Chiffre’s icy, sinister presence, dark attire, and bleeding eye immediately feel iconic.

The terrorist financier is a unique adversary for Bond, fuelled by desperation to survive. Using nothing but a chair and a rope, he also inflicts more physical pain on Bond than any villain before him in an infamous torture sequence. When Mr. White enters and executes Le Chiffre for betraying his organisation, it marks the earliest death of any Bond villain, but also hands Bond the indignity of needing to be rescued by a foe.

Best Moment: “I never understood all these elaborate tortures. It’s the simplest thing… to cause more pain than a man can possibly endure.” A meta reflection on past villains and their convoluted methods of attempting to kill or maim Bond. Any man reading winces at the memory of a scene in which Le Chiffre truly holds Bond at his mercy, naked and physically defeated.

Worst Moment: An out of his depth Le Chiffre is emasculated by African warlord Obanno, who tracks him down and threatens to mutilate Le Chiffre’s girlfriend with a machete. The sweat-drenched Le Chiffre does nothing, as Obanno comments to the terrified girl “not a word of protest. You should find a new boyfriend.”

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Chest thumping James Bond and Haruki Murakami fanatic living in China. Once had a fever dream about riding a rowboat with Davos Seaworth. He hasn't updated this section since Game of Thrones was cool, and boy does it show.