Every Major Cinematic Universe Ranked From Worst To Best

5. Toho

Star Wars Shared Universe

The undisputed kings of the 'man in a rubber suit' movie, Toho are responsible for many of the most iconic creature features cinema has ever seen. Godzilla may be their crown jewel, but during the studio's heyday they introduced countless iconic kaiju into popular culture.

The lizard formerly known as Gojira stomped his way onto the big screen in 1954 and over the next two decades Godzilla fought against, or occasionally alongside, such luminaries as King Kong, Rodan, Mothra, King Ghidora, Mechagodzilla and many more. They may be cheaply-made and haven't aged well at all, but genre aficionados have a soft spot for Toho's classic monster mash-ups nonetheless.

50 years ahead of the curve, it is only recently that we have seen Hollywood attempt to play Toho at their own game thanks to Legendary's MonsterVerse and the Pacific Rim franchise. That being said, it would be very, very surprising if people were still nostalgically reminiscing about Charlie Hunnam or Scott Eastwood piloting a Jaeger half a century from now.

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