Every Major Cinematic Universe Ranked From Worst To Best

1. The Tarantinoverse

Star Wars Shared Universe
A Band Apart

Arguably the most influential director of the last 25 years, Quentin Tarantino's signature style became so widely imitated that 'Tarantinoesque' became an adjective at some point in the mid-to-late 90s due to the sheer number of independent movies that borrowed the auteur's fast-talking, fractured narrative style.

In typically self-indulgent fashion, Tarantino has crafted not one, but two shared universes that link all of his work together whether he has been in the director's chair or not. The first is what is known as the 'Realer Than Real Universe', which is Tarantino's alternate history timeline that begins chronologically with Django Unchained and also includes The Hateful Eight, Inglorious Basterds, Reservoir Dogs, True Romance, Pulp Fiction and Death Proof. This is the universe where Tarantino frequently writes characters that are either relations or descendants of those found in his previous work.

The second is the 'Movie Movie Universe', which covers the more fantastical elements of the filmmaker's work and includes Natural Born Killers, From Dusk Till Dawn, Planet Terror and Kill Bill. For example, the Vega brothers could go to the movies to see Kill Bill or Mr. Orange could catch a matinee of Planet Terror before the big diamond heist. Sure its confusing, but its a neat little detail.

As well as providing some great Easter Eggs for fans, it also gives a greater sense of continuity to every production Tarantino finds himself involved in, which just by glancing at the movies listed includes some all-time greats.

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Star Wars
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