Every Major Cinematic Universe Ranked From Worst To Best

14. Alien V Predator

Star Wars Shared Universe

Trying to make sense of the Alien/Predator timeline is a fool's errand, not to mention a total mindf**k. What we do know, based on the fact a Xenomorph skull is clearly on display at the end of 1990's Predator 2, is that both franchises take place in the same continuity. Or at least they did for a while. Maybe.

Having crossed over in comic books, novels and video games, it was only a matter of time before the two 20th Century Fox-owned franchises merged on the big screen. Boasting classic movies, legendary antagonists, iconic human characters and some of the best one-liners in sci-fi history between them, the potential for an Alien vs. Predator movie was almost unlimited. Yet somehow, they still managed to f**k it up.

Paul W.S. Anderson's Alien vs. Predator was a box office success, but wasn't exactly warmly received by critics or fans, who couldn't believe how badly the premise had been botched. However, it looked like Citizen Kane compared to the Strause brothers' AvP: Requiem, which cost almost half as much to make and was twice as crap.

Alien, its sequel and the first Predator are without a doubt three of the greatest sci-fi movies ever made. The rest of the sequels, reboots, prequels and crossovers? Not so much.

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