Every Margot Robbie Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

16. Focus (2015)

Barbie Movie
Warner Bros.

There are certain things that have come to be expected from any Margot Robbie appearance, and among the likes of stealing any scene she is in and charming the hell out of anyone watching, is the fact that she always seems to have incredible chemistry with whoever she shares the screen with.

A year before they came together in Suicide Squad, Robbie and Will Smith led Focus. It's not the most memorable of movies, but it's a fun couple of hours with twists upon twists upon twists (arguably too many twists), propelled in the most part by the two powerhouse actors.

Nicky (Smith) is a conman who takes the inexperienced Jess (Robbie) under his wing, only to split and ultimately reunite three years later. Their relationship is at the core of the film, and the cons they pull are certainly fun, but it is Robbie who steals the show. As usual.

With Jess, the actor offers the full range, from young and naïve, through to powerful and confident femme fatale, with a lot of vulnerability thrown in for good measure. It's a performance that outshines the rest of this fun but flawed popcorn flick.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.