Every Marvel Cinematic Universe Villain Ranked Worst To Best

6. Ego - Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2

Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2 Ego

Plan: To reshape the universe in his own image, wiping out inferior sentient life.

Status: Deceased.

His turn to evil might have been painfully obvious, but Kurt Russell's performance as Ego is easily one of the best things about Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2: he's charismatic, he's irresistible and he comes with a grand, over-arching villainous scheme that genuinely threatens the entire galaxy.

Russell's twinkle-eyed, cocky spirit completely sells the idea of him being the "angel" Meredith Quill called him, as well as being exactly the kind of father the nostalgia-obsessed Peter Quill would fall for. On the flip-side, the reveal of his evil also fits: it's less like a unnecessarily evil scheme and more like a logical expansion of his psychology and his arrogance. He's perfect, so why wouldn't he want the galaxy to be remade in his image?

His powers obviously also lend themselves to some unique action possibilities, and the climactic battle within him is one of the most visually arresting sequences in the MCU.


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