Every Marvel Cinematic Universe Villain Ranked Worst To Best

29. Ayesha - Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2

Ayesha Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2
Marvel Studios

Plan: To destroy the Guardians Of The Galaxy for Rocket Raccoon's slight against her people.

Status: Defeated and annoyed but still very much coming for the Guardians.

When it was initially teased that Ayesha was going to be an evil space Hitler, obsessed with the genetic superiority of her race and with ensuring nobody less worthy disrespects them, ears across the world pricked up immediately.

She had some good selling points - like her drone army - but the fact that Ego is revealed to be the real villain compromises her position a little too much. Her army might be impressive looking, but they never really offer enough threat to deliver on the Sovereign's delusions of superiority, and ultimately she fades badly out of the final act.

She'll get another chance in Vol 3 to delivery on her obsessive hatred of the Guardians - with Adam Warlock in tow - so hopefully she'll improve by then.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.