Every Marvel Comic Book Movie In Development (& Rumoured) Ranked

5. Avengers: Secret Invasion

Secret Invasion Skrull
Marvel Studios

Status: Rumoured

Release: TBC

Recent Updates?

In the run-up to the release of Avengers: Infinity War, Kevin Feige and Bob Iger spoke quite openly about their plans to potentially change the format of the MCU after Avengers 4. There were rumbles that we would no longer get Phased releases at all and that Avengers movies might become less of a thing.

Indeed, since then Feige has talked up the difficulties of making huge ensembles so frequently. But that doesn't mean it's the end for them and Marvel aren't going to retire a brand as lucrative as The Avengers.

Rumour has it that the Skrulls' appearance in Captain Marvel will lead into a full-blown Secret Invasion angle for the next big ensemble, which would be wonderful.

Will It Happen?

Let's hope so. After Avengers 4, Marvel will be faced with the dilemma of which Avengers movie to make next and while a Galactus Saga movie might be particularly tempting now that the rights are home from Fox, a Secret Invasion story would have more potential to build across multiple films before a huge pay-off.

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