Every Matt Damon Movie Ranked Worst To Best

47. Ocean's Thirteen (2007)

The Martian Matt Damon
Warner Bros. Pictures/Roadshow Entertainment

Though maintaining the slick allure that Steven Soderbergh conjured up for the previous two movies, Ocean's Thirteen suffers from a disregard for character development and originality.

Sure, it's as pretty as expected, and George Clooney's leading performance is as commanding as ever, but there's nothing about this film that justifies its existence, playing like a re-tread of the same old beats without daring to try something new.

Plus, Damon spends most of the film wearing that ridiculous nose, and outside of looking funny he offers very little of the overarching plot.


Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.