Every Matt Damon Movie Ranked Worst To Best

5. The Departed (2006)

The Martian Matt Damon
Warner Bros.

The Departed is vintage Martin Scorsese. Sure, it's a little nuts, but it's also crime drama at its finest, held up by a spotless ensemble including Damon, Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Wahlberg and Jack Nicholson.

In a rare bad-guy outing, Damon plays Colin, a cop secretly aligned with the mob, and he oozes shifty sleaze and rotten arrogance with every scene.

His verbal sparing with DiCaprio is great to see, and with the script holding nothing back, it proves that Damon is often at his best when part of a larger ensemble.


Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.