Every Movie Based On A Saturday Night Live Sketch - Ranked From Worst To Best

11. Blues Brothers 2000

All right, here's the situation: You've lost one of your two main stars from your much revered cult comedy (almost two decades ago) and you're tasked with trying to recreate the lightning in a bottle that not a single person has been asking for. What do you do? WHAT DO YOU DO?? Well, if you're the "masterminds" behind Blues Brothers 2000, you swap out one fat funnyman for another (this time of the schlubby, gentle variety), add a precocious child to the mix, and faithfully try to recapture the glory days of a music scene that was already on its way out the door when you made the first installment. Oh, and this time make it more cynical and slow the original's frenetic pace down to a grinding halt. That should do it! This sequel is really more of a remake, and a shoddy one at best. At worst, it's a terrifyingly insipid slap in the face to Aykroyd's deceased best friend, perpetrated by Aykroyd himself in a desperate cash grab that makes his recent insistence at getting the old Ghostbusters gang back together (despite any logical reason to) sound downright inspired. The only reason Blues Brothers 2000 doesn't join the lowly ranks of It's Pat is the solid lineup of musicians brought in to frequently revive this otherwise lumbering "tribute."

Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.