Every Pixar Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

5. Wall-E

Wall-E Rubiks Cube

Wall-E is quite the age-old love story. Boy meets girl. Boy falls in love with girl hopelessly. Girl doesn't quite reciprocate on account of being a robotic sentry unit sent to Earth to check for fertility indicators in the soil and air by an over-zealous autopilot system with an ulterior motive.

It could easily have starred Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire...

All jokes aside, the film is relatable despite the alienness and heart-warming despite the initial starkness precisely because it works on the same premise as those romantic classics. It's about something as small as wanting to hold hands at the same time as something as big as saving the entire world. And both the character designs and the environments are stunningly beautiful, even after the apocalypse.

Yes, it does sag as soon as Wall-E goes off planet and it suddenly becomes an intergalactic version of The Biggest Loser, but it doesn't sag very far at all. And it's only noticeable because the opening is so good.

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