Every Pixar Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

3. Inside Out

It was inevitable at some point that Pixar would dispense with the limiting constructs of narrative and just start making films purely aimed at getting you in the feels.

Again, it's a story based on a great big charming What If: imagine your brain was run by little people who bled their emotions into your actions and growing up was about them finding balance. Yes the concept might again have been borrowed from somewhere else, but Disney remade fairy tales for decades and nobody raised an eyebrow.

The story of Joy and Sadness' road trip back home also took on a classic framework (used the same year in The Good Dinosaur of course) and is utterly charming. And front and centre of the success is the reimagining of the psyche as if it were designed by Willy Wonka populated by characters with almost visceral charisma.

At the end, the film also does what even Toy Story 3 wasn't brave enough to: killing off a childhood friend callously to remind us all that we basically murdered our imaginations when we grew up, and adding the extra sting that it's a necessary part of maturing. Monsters.

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