Every Ridley Scott Movie Ranked Worst To Best

14. Kingdom Of Heaven (2005)

Kingdom of Heaven
20th Century Fox

Kingdom Of Heaven is a strange creature. On the one hand, it has some great performances - particularly Ed Norton's Baldwin - and it is absolutely gorgeous in all aspects of production. It's an exercise in epic film-making, impeccable observed and gloriously designed, with an authentic historical eye and some truly spectacle scenes.

If a film only needed to look great and feel real, it would be far more cherished than it currently is, because as a museum piece, it's a hell of an achievement. It's not particularly accurate in its details, but that's for documentaries, and it's only really a concern because the entertainment factor just isn't where it ought to be.

The film feels horribly over-edited, removing key story build and character dynamics (hence the director's cut's superiority) and it's all a little too po-faced and too heavy-duty to be purely enjoyable. And once more, it suffers from the all-too-frequent hollowness that distracts from its beauty.

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