Every Ridley Scott Movie Ranked Worst To Best

21. Someone To Watch Over Me (1987)

Someone To Watch Over Me
Columbia Pictures

Someone To Watch Over Me is very much the tale of most Ridley Scott's movies: it's stylish and the story is generally well put together, but it's far from his most ambitious project, and it feels a little safe and a little by the numbers next to his more spectacular film-making.

The plot is fairly straight forward - a cop falls for the witness he's supposed to be protecting from a murderer despite their different backgrounds - but it lacks the scope for Scott to really show off. Some of his visual tics are in there, and his fascination with all things neo-noir, but it's all too underwhelming and too minor to really leave a lasting impression.

There isn't a great deal that would suggest it as a purely "bad" film, but it's so paper-thin that watching it now, you'd be forgiven for wondering why Scott made this after Alien, Blade Runner and Legend.

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