Every Ridley Scott Movie Ranked Worst To Best

19. Robin Hood (2010)

Robin Hood Russell Crowe
Universal Pictures

Even in 2010, the world did not need another Robin Hood story as much as Ridley Scott seemed to believe: even one that would purportedly add some geographical truth to the story. Sadly for almost every film-maker who has tried it in live action terms, Disney made the definitive version in 1973, and Alan Rickman's Sheriff Of Nottingham towered over the rest of the sub-genre rather mercilessly.

Ignoring that, Scott sought his own telling of the story, and while it just about made a profit, the general tale of the movie is that it's really not very memorable at all (aside from as a curious portrait of Russell Crowe's attempt at a Nottingham accent). For a story that is designed to offer a beacon of hope within a grim reality, Scott's Hood is way too dour and its lead is far from the charming marvel he's supposed to be.

Aside from the accent issue, the historical detail is good and the action is compelling, but there isn't the right sense of adventure that fans of the mythology would usually expect.

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