Every Rocky Movie Ranked Worst To Best

2. Rocky (1976)

Creed III Michael B. Jordan

The film that started it all, turning Stallone into a star and encouraging people the world over to visit Philadelphia and run up some steps. The original Rocky is the ultimate underdog story, a griping boxing movie, and an inspirational tale of identity that still packs a punch nearly five decades on.

Concerning the life of a mob enforcer and amateur boxer who's suddenly given the chance to win the heavyweight championship, Rocky is first and foremost the character study of a sensitive, well-meaning man who's grown up with a fire in his belly.

Compared to other films in the series, it features surprisingly little boxing, instead carrying most of its action with its uncertain and conflicted characters, including aging trainer Mickey, his volatile best friend Paulie, and love interest Adrian.

Rocky creates a world we instantly feel part of, and in doing so makes the Stallion's journey from shiftless up-and-comer to beloved fighter all the more engaging. And the training montage, for what it's worth, remains the best of the franchise.

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i get to write about what i love, which is cool. be good to each other