Every Screen Batman Ranked From Worst To Best

1. Michael Keaton

Warner Bros. Pictures
Warner Bros. Pictures

Warner Bros may have balked at the darkness, but Tim Burton's Batman remains one of the most intellectually deep, complex comic book adaptations. And much like Ben Affleck's casting was wrongly criticised, the decision to cast Michael Keaton was met with outrage that proved comically misplaced.

As Batman, Keaton looks incredible - no other actor under the cowl has ever looked as good, even with the issues of the rubber suit - and he is surprisingly fearsome despite his lack of major muscle mass. There's also something brilliantly OTHER about his almost robotic fighting style - as if he doesn't need to commit fully - which again comes down to adapting in the restrictions of the suit.

But it's as Bruce Wayne that Keaton really shines. There's a manic, awkward detachment to his performance that is perfect for the idea that Wayne himself wears an uncomfortable mask. He is unsure, alouf and reserved, never at ease with his own skin and he's irresistibly watchable thanks to a warm, sympathetic sincerity that is far more complex than anything his fellow Bat-actors managed.

Which Batman do you think deserves to be crowned the best? Share your own ranking below in the comments thread.

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