Every Star Trek Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

8. Star Trek III: The Search For Spock (1984)

Star Trek Captains
Paramount Pictures

You really have to wonder what changed in Leonard Nimoy before The Search For Spock came into being. He'd only signed on for The Wrath Of Khan if his character was killed off, but then he came back to the franchise as its director looking to bring the same character back from the dead.

It proved to be a shrewd move for Paramount, who took a cool box office figure from the third movie and impressive critical reception. And that had a marvellous way of getting around the fact that it robbed The Wrath Of Khan of its emotionally charged ending and turned Spock into a bit of a quitter.

Anyway, the less you think about that the better, and luckily there's more than enough to distract you from the questions and the scientific iffiness (to say the least).


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