Every Star Trek Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

6. Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986)

Star Trek Captains

There's a good chance you only remember The Voyage Home for the whale scene or kung-fu Spock, but to be so reductive is almost criminal.

Having boldly gone where no man had gone before, the original Enterprise crew returned somewhere familiar for its fourth instalment - America in 1986. Once more the story came thanks to Leonard Nimoy, who clearly wanted to put a hump-back whale in a Star Trek film and built the framework around it from there. That can be the only explanation for introducing a probe causing havok because it only speaks hump-back and is angry that it's not being answered.

All plot issues aside, this is light-hearted Star Trek at its best, as Nimoy sought to entertain his audience more purely with humour the order of the day. As a result, some of the weightier issues - like conservation - are a little overshadowed by the more jokey spirit.

Shatner was so delighted by the whole thing that he demanded a payrise and the chance to direct the next one. Which worked out well...


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.