Every Star Wars Movie & TV Show In The Works Right Now

11. Tales Of The Empire

Every Star Wars Movie and Show New

2022's Tales of the Jedi animated anthology series is unquestionably one of the Star Wars franchise's greatest hidden gems of the last few years.

Focusing on two of easily the most complex and compelling characters in all of the galaxy far, far away, that first season dived into the backstories of both Count Dooku and Ahsoka Tano, showing you how and why the former ultimately fell to the dark side and what led to the latter becoming the legend she eventually would.

Those left wishing Lucasfilm would explore even more of the histories of another few well-known Jedi are in luck, too, as Lucasfilm revealed at the beginning of April that a successor series, Tales of the Empire, would arrive on Disney+ May 4. Lucasfilm shared a trailer with the announcement, revealing the two major focuses of the new animated series will be Morgan Elsbeth and Barriss Offee, the former having featured most prominently in seasons of The Mandalorian and Ahsoka, and the latter appearing in a fan-favourite arc of Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

Tales of the Empire is poised to show how Elsbeth survived General Grievous' attack on the Nightsisters and eventually developed an alliance with Thrawn, as well as what happened to Barriss after Order 66, with the imprisoned Jedi seemingly joining the Imperial Inquisitorious of Star Wars Rebels, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and the Star Wars Jedi games fame.

If this follow-up season is even half as thrilling and moving as that last six-episode rollercoaster, then folks will no doubt be left feeling satisfied by Filoni's second bite at this particular animated apple.

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