Every Star Wars Movie & TV Show In The Works Right Now

9. Taika Waititi's Star Wars Movie

Every Star Wars Movie and Show New

A long time ago in a galaxy not that far away, it was said that Taika Waititi would be directing and co-writing an incoming Star Wars big-screen story.

And a whopping four years on from that official announcement, Waititi is still currently developing the idea for his planned galaxy far, far away film - a movie he has jokingly claimed will "p*ss people off." (As per Variety.)

In a conversation with Entertainment Tonight, the Thor: Ragnarok and Love & Thunder director, he is very much still attached to the project but the whole thing will likely continue to be pushed back until he's got his other four scripts he's currently working on out of the way.

The Oscar-winning screenwriter would also stress that he doesn't want to "rush" his Star Wars picture and wanted to "get it right."

So, while the filmmaker - who has also performed in (as IG-11) and directed an episode of The Mandalorian, has been "a little slow" when it comes to the creating of his first Star Wars movie - according to Kathleen Kennedy, everyone involved is clearly still fully on board this eventual Waititi jump to hyperspace.

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