Every Stephen King Movie Ranked Worst To Best

46. Riding The Bullet (2004)

Stephen King Movies Ranked
Innovation Films

Published in 2000 as the world's first e-book (and so popular that its release caused a mass Internet crash because of all the traffic), "Riding the Bullet" was a novella King wrote to make sense of his mother's passing, following a suicidal college kid who hitchhikes home to see his ailing mother. 

The film takes this premise and attempts to make it even more profound, but the sentimentality falls painfully flat, though not nearly as flat as its attempts at horror or David Arquette's abysmally hammy performance. It's a film that means well, but has no idea how to bring its moving parts together. 

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Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.