Every Studio Ghibli Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

15. My Neighbors The Yamadas

Studio Ghibli Characters
Studio Ghibli

Despite looking like Ghibli's most simplistic animation, The Yamadas is a typically complex affair, looking at broader issues with a sophistication wildly at odds with how it looks.

This was Ghibli's first foray into full digital animation, and the results show: there's a new level of animation complexity afforded by the medium and a fluidity that only adds to the hand-drawn style.

Again, the film also meshes the usual small scale real-life story elements that tend to form the centre-point of all Ghibli films with a superreal, fantastical element, which serves to fit the messages of each vignette. It looks straight-forward, and then it absolutely doesn't, drawing on a traditional family picture that is as recognisable as the more cartoonish elements are perverse. And no matter how far it pushes into imagination, the key message is one of love in the family unit.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.