Every Superman Movie Villain Ranked Worst To Best

9. Kitty Kowalski (Superman Returns)

Superman Nuclear Man Doomsday Lex Luthor
Warner Bros.

In Superman Returns, Kitty Kowalski (Parker Posey) is basically Bryan Singer's not-remotely-subtle stand-in for Richard Donner's Eve Teschmacher (Valerie Perrine) - Lex's henchwoman who similarly has a crisis of conscience when Lex enacts his insane plane to grow a new landmass in the Northern Atlantic Ocean.

A lot of the credit here goes to the great Parker Posey, who takes a so-so character and imbues her with a uniquely amusing, quirky personality.

Deeply sarcastic even while clearly harbouring a certain fondness for the Man of Steel (Brandon Routh), Posey's Kitty is a lot of fun even if, like most all of Luthor's lackeys, she's not exactly super effective or faithful.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.