Every Superman Movie Villain Ranked Worst To Best

17. Gus Gorman (Superman III)

Superman Nuclear Man Doomsday Lex Luthor
Warner Bros.

Bumbling computer whizz Gus Gorman (Richard Pryor) isn't Superman III's primary villain, but he is a foil for Superman while being blackmailed into helping industrialist Ross Webster (Robert Vaughn) take him down.

Gus gets major points for his intelligence despite his "interesting" personality, but overall the presence of Richard Pryor in an already credibility-straining Superman movie is just too damn much.

Gus would feel out of place even if Pryor wasn't playing him, and though he's far more memorable than Webster, he's also considerably more annoying.

Gus does the right thing in the end, and just like Lenny Luthor gets cut a break by Superman, so as "villains" go he's pretty weak sauce.

It's a shame we never got to see the original iteration of the character, where Gus would've served as a disguise for Brainiac.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.