Every War Of The Worlds Adaptation: Ranked Worst To Best

11. The Mockbuster

Asylum War of the Worlds

The Asylum are well known for their "mockbuster" knock-off movies designed to ape the currently popular blockbuster hits with titles such as Transmorphers, Atlantic Rim and Independents' Day. It's a lot easier, though, when the source is already in the public domain.

Confusingly also titled H.G. Wells' War Of The Worlds, this mockbuster shared with the same-titled previous entry the desire to piggyback on the attention given to Steven Spielberg's 2005 blockbuster adaptation. It was directed by Asylum founder David Michael Latt, who at least seems to be an admirer of the book.

Although it's set in contemporary America and the iconic tripods have been pointlessly swapped out for six-legged "walkers", the plot is relatively true to the book and Latt takes the events in the movie relatively seriously (arguably too seriously for a crudely-made direct-to-DVD picture). War Of The Worlds still has many of the problems inherent to a cheap Asylum production, but it's one of their more successful and better made movies nevertheless.


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